In this section of our tutorial, you will understand about battery capacity, how long will it run, and other parameters. For example if the motor at the no load condition (which means you have not connected to any wheel or any gear to the motor shaft) is consuming 0.2 Amps and you are running the motor using 12 volt 1.3 Ah battery, now the motor will run for [1.3 (Ampere-hour) / 0.2 (Amperes)] will results in 6.5 hours, now...
Direct Current (DC) vs Alternate Current (AC)
In the line of robotics tutorial, we will see about AC and DC in this section. Almost all electronic components runs on DC, to understand it in simple terms, first let us know about how electrons flow in DC and AC using some small examples. Assuming, we have battery and a motor in which motor is connected directly to the battery after which the motor runs. Now if you watch closely the electron flow, it is very well known that...
Examples of Voltage and Current
This is been explained using one more example to have deep understanding of the concepts Assume you have a tap and tap has a gate valve, if tap is closed no water will flow and if you open the tap a little, little bit of water comes out, assuming if there is no gravity in the earth, even after you open the tap the water will never come out because gravity is the end device or load which draws the water or current. Like wise only if...
Voltage and Current
These are very common terms used in day to day life in electronics world and even in normal world during some instances. But people find it very difficult to conceive or understand the basic principle of this topic. In this video lecture will start the explanation of voltage and current using some examples: In the first example, we have explained the concept of voltage and current using cooking pan experiment. Assuming we are cooking...
Father of Robotics
It is very well known that large amount of Greek texts were translated into Arabic language at the time of Abassid Caliphate (8th century to mid 11th century ), primary motivational factor for all these works was the establishment for Bayt – al – Hikma (Hikma – wisdom, Bayt – House, House of Wisdom), and also the library Khizanat – al – Hikma (Khizanat- Treasure, The Treasure of Knowledge). It has been said that close to...