How IC HT12D works?

How IC HT12D works?

ASK RF Receiver receives the data transmitted from ASK RF Transmitter.  The input code set to address pins A0-A7 at HT12E should match with the address pins of HT12D. If it is valid, the LED connected to the below circuit (fig 2) will glow and then transmission of data get starts. The positive and negative of the power supply is fed into HT12D via VDD and VSS respectively. Fig. 1 HT12D is a 212 series decoder, most commonly used in...

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How IC HT12E Works?

How IC HT12E Works?

HT12E is a 212 series encoder most commonly used in remote control applications. It contains totally 12 input pins in which 4 pins are used for data/address bits (AD8-AD11) and 8 pins for address bits (A0-A7) for safe transmission of data for security purposes. The unique function of HT12E is to convert 12 bit parallel data inputs into serial data output (pin17) and then it is modulated and transmitted using the RF transmitter module....

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How IC CM8870 works as DTMF Receiver?

How IC CM8870 works as DTMF Receiver?

CM8870 can also be termed as DTMF receiver and it is integrated with both band split filter and decoder function into a single IC 18-pin. The power consumption of the IC is 35mW maximum. BANDSPLIT FILTER – as we have already seen that a single tone is superimposed with two frequencies, one is low and the other is high frequency, to split this two frequency into high group frequency and low group frequency and then it is decoded....

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Properties of Sensors used in Robotics

Properties of Sensors used in Robotics

1.Field of view and Range: Often called FOV (Field of View) is the most important aspect while selecting a sensor. First, to what distance does it cover? Field of View and Range may be measured in metres, degrees in vertical and horizontal. This may be understood by knowing the concept of photography because those people use different types of lenses for different size, place, location, and atmospheric visibility. Hence while...

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Differential Amplifier

Differential Amplifier

This is the last article in the series of differential op-amp circuits. This is one of the most important operational amplifier circuits and hence it was saved for the last. The speciality of using differential amplifier is that it uses both inverting and non-inverting input terminal to amplify one input signal, while other is fastened to ground Let me remind you that the output is equal to the difference of the input, and as said...

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Processing IDE

Processing IDE

Processing is an Integrated Development Environment built in 2001 by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry. These guys are from MIT (Media Labs), Aesthetics and Computational Group. They were working on something so that something could get non-programmers to start a program. For your information, Arduino language is based on Processing IDE, and is very much similar to the Arduino IDE. Processing IDE is based on Java, whereas Arduino IDE is...

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