Father of Robotics

Father of Robotics

It is very well known that large amount of Greek texts were translated into Arabic language at the time of Abassid Caliphate (8th century to mid 11th century ), primary motivational factor for all these works was the establishment for Bayt – al – Hikma (Hikma – wisdom, Bayt – House, House of Wisdom), and also the library Khizanat – al – Hikma (Khizanat- Treasure, The Treasure of Knowledge). It has been said that close to...

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Etymology of the word ‘Robot’

Etymology of the word ‘Robot’

You will never get bored when you ponder on something which you like the most. Am I right? Yes, now we are going back to history without the help of time machine to find out how the word Robot came into existence. In the ancient period, robots were playing a vital role only in science fiction stories. In 1817, Mark Shelley, a novel writer, wrote a story named ‘Frankenstein’ in which there was a character looking like a humanoid...

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Eye for autonomous robot (Automatic driving Car)

Eye for autonomous robot (Automatic driving Car)

Will cover up a series of articles for this topic, fine, visual guidance for autonomous robot is been divided into two: Unmanned Ground Vehicle(UGV) Intelligent Transport System(ITS) UGV’s are concerned with terrain movement and off-shore navigation. ITS is concerned with efficiency achieved and safer transport in forest and urban ambience, which can be commonly termed as visual guidance. What can it do to robot? Following a road...

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Kinect for Robotics

Kinect for Robotics

Kinect is a motion sensing input device that was available for military purposes. Now they have decided to make it available for larger masses. Well, the question arises like What is Kinect? Face recognition Depth imaging Gait analysis Skeletonization Actually, the main use of Kinect is to trace out the terrorist hanging around with the general public. We can use it for gestural interfaces using biometrics’ motion capture. Fine,...

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Robots from Science Fiction to Reality

Robots from Science Fiction to Reality

We people know what a robot is capable of and it is good to know how robots came into existence. This topic may not be new for some folks, but it might be useful for the younger generations who are very passionate in robotics. UNIMATE – FIRST INDUSTRIAL ROBOT 1817 Talk about robotics started in Science Fiction stories 1921 The name ‘Robot’ was first coined by a Czech Film Director named Karel Capek. The word ‘Robot came from the...

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Facts to be considered for Bright Robotic Future

Facts to be considered for Bright Robotic Future

“You just can’t differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans” – Isaac Asimov. Robots are now in a stage where computers were 20 years before. Everyone knows what a robot is capable of and it is clear that it is going to be future. So, what lies behind to bring robots to their best levels? Let’s briefly dig into this topic: Fact #1: Each robotics industry is lacking some of the common standards and platforms. As a result,...

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