Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis

Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis

Are you shifting your gears towards Robotics? Build your basic robotics knowledge with Robotics Fundamental Concepts and Analysis book. This book pulls out various robotics engineering topics, mostly covered by mechanical manipulation and sensing. Ashitava Ghosal being the author has done his job perfectly. It is written in easy to understand style with user-friendly texts, examples, and problems. This book is written in English...

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Exploring Arduino

Exploring Arduino

Are you searching for a book that could assist you in programming a microcontroller? Then you are at the right place. Exploring Arduino is a book written by Jeremy Blum, which teaches you various topics like electrical engineering, programming, and human computer interaction. This book also gives you good coding and designing ideas to develop any kind of projects. What does this book include? Dozens of Arduino projects Concepts in...

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The Future of Humanoid Robots

The Future of Humanoid Robots

The Future of Humanoid Robots (Research and Applications) is a robotic book having the latest scientific and engineering researches and applications implemented in the field of humanoid robotics. It was edited by Riadh Zaier, who has wide R&D experience, publications, and patents in humanoid robotics. This book was published by InTech on January 20, 2012 (ISBN 978-953-307-951-6). This robotics book covers 14 chapters (300 pages)...

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