The Future of Humanoid Robots

The Future of Humanoid Robots (Research and Applications) is a robotic book having the latest scientific and engineering researches and applications implemented in the field of humanoid robotics. It was edited by Riadh Zaier, who has wide R&D experience, publications, and patents in humanoid robotics.

humanoid robotics

This book was published by InTech on January 20, 2012 (ISBN 978-953-307-951-6). This robotics book covers 14 chapters (300 pages) of various integrated research in scientific and engineering fields like:

  • Perception
  • Locomotion
  • Human-robot Interaction
  • Machine Learning
  • Adaptive Behavior
  • Neuroscience

This robotics book is edited in the aim of providing potential information to the peoples working in the field of humanoid robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computational methods, and Cognitive Science.

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