Touch Bionics Reveals the Updated i-limb Ultra Revolution

Touch Bionics, the world’s leading prosthetic technology provider has announced the updates of their i-limb Ultra Revolution at the OTWorld 2014 International Congress, Germany. The i-limb was introduced in 2007, and it was the first commercially available bionic hand with complete articulation.

According to Touch Bionics, i-limb Ultra Revolution is the most advanced and versatile prosthesis device available in the world. They also believe that it provides more dexterity and behaves more like a human hand than any other bionic hands.

Key Updates:bionic hand

  • Grip Chips
  • i-limb Skin Active Touch Screen
  • Android compatibility
  • My Grips – Biosim and My Limb

Grip Chips, a new update introduced by Touch Bionics has led the bionic hands to the next level. These grip chips are Bluetooth-enabled devices that allow a user to assign a grip according to his requirement. For example, a user will require a different grip for typing on a keyboard than typing on a touchscreen.

The grip patterns can be changed using Android apps like biosim and my limb, which can provide up to 12 additional custom grips. The user can also program up to 36 different grip pattern using custom settings.

As the world is heading towards high-end Smartphones, it is necessary to have a bionic hand compatible with touch screens. So, Touch Bionics came up with i-limb Skin Active TS technology.

Source: Touch Bionics

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Author: JAY

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