Hi all,
Welcome to Jay Robotics Club, Research team. We feel immense pleasure in introducing ourselves, in this very article we shall see about how to build a simple line following robots using very simple IC’s. Before you could start, I will list out the components required.
Components Required
- Breadboard
- Breadboard wires
- 9 volt battery
- Battery snaps
- IC 7805
- 10uf capacitor
- Led
- 1k resistor
- 10k resistor
- 220 ohms resistor
- IR sensor module – 2
- Motor driver IC like (l293d, l298d, uln2003)
- Robot chassis
- 12volt DC motor
- Wheels -2
How it works
- At first, this article will not go much deeper into technical specification of its electronic components, but it can guide you (or) it can act as a catalyst as we always do in our jay robotics club
- Fix motors, wheels on robot chassis at appropriate places
- Place breadboard on top of the chassis
- Google for “5 volt circuit using 7805” as many people have given their circuits, it would be appropriate to use them
- Place sensors in front of chassis facing the floor adjacent to each other
- You can use any of the motor driver IC (l298d, l293d, uln2003) and many more but every time our preference is L293d
- And the circuit goes like.