Well, this question is in the minds of all robotics freaks. Day to day all our intuition is proved false, We normally think a humanoid robot will be the extreme, even if its legitimate, will have to reach a lots and lots of milestone before destination, this is well accepted fact.
Now KUKA robot has achieved one more milestone in its own area, industrial robot section, they have used this industrial robot construction to invent a table tennis playing robot.
Before going deep into it, who can use it and for what it can be used, For example, if we take our own KUKA’s table tennis robot, modern day table tennis champions would practice with it, and with this development and applications people might start to think of various other sports in which robot could be involved in it, which could well be a companion for all those who are expecting to compete with higher levels.
From the video, KUKA Robot scored 6 points at the start, but human brain works well while studying about enemy’s strategies, as always this tennis player gets to know its technical strategies and tries all non-traditional methods and succeeds and the thing is he is really happy by winning over robot, which really means that competition was too high.
A unknown robotics person while speaking about this robot said duel between table tennis champions and KUKA robot, from a tense match finally table tennis champion won the KUKA table tennis (Ping-Pong) robot, “WORLD BREATHES SIGH OF RELIEF”, well that made me think and laugh, but very soon not too far from now, we will soon hear the flip-side, almost all the people reading this article will accept this fact.
Well, this video will be a visual treat for all those robotics geek out there. Have Fun.