Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis

Are you shifting your gears towards Robotics? Build your basic robotics knowledge with Robotics Fundamental Concepts and Analysis book. This book pulls out various robotics engineering topics, mostly covered by mechanical manipulation and sensing. Ashitava Ghosal being the author has done his job perfectly. It is written in easy to understand style with user-friendly texts, examples, and problems.

robotics fundamental concepts and analysis

This book is written in English language and has a total of 440 pages. Oxford University Press has published this book on 17 February 2006 (ISBN-10: 0195673913 / ISBN-13: 978-0195673913). The author also sprinkles some advanced robotic topics apart from its comprehensive fundamentals.

Overall, Robotics Fundamental Concepts and Analysis will be a useful guide for both undergraduate and postgraduate students those who are aiming to build their robotics knowledge.

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Author: JAY

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